Hallaton Church Group Mothers’ Union

We have 13 members and usually meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. At our meetings, as well as having a short service,
usually at the home of our leader, we often have a speaker. We also raise funds for Mothers’ Union projects, both overseas and locally.
We are the only Mothers' Union group in the Launde Deanery.
Many of our churches have a MU banner on display but sadly ours is the only group still active.

The leader is Carol Johnson. Tel. 0116 2598216

May Meeting

'The Homelessness Charter'

The May meeting will be held at the home of Madeleine Wang, Briery Leys, Tugby, at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th May
The speaker is Rebecca Pawley and she will be talking about
'The Homelessness Charter', ways in which organisations and individuals can work together to tackle homelessness in Leicester.
Further details from Carol Johnson, Tel. 0116 2598216

Visitors are very welcome.