Launde Parishes Zoom
We have a weekly service using Zoom on Sundays at 11-00am Joining details are below
Normally the Zoom link is opened around 10-40 am
to allow for a chat session before the service starts at 11 am
Please contact Mary Twidell to request prayers for someone you know
or to volunteer to take a part in our services
If needed
Meeting ID: 836 7967 6342
Passcode: 079282
Please note that the above ID and Passcodes were updated from July 1st 2024
Every week at 9am (meeting open from 8.45)
Click the button above to join Zoom Meeting
If needed, Meeting ID: 898 2029 7969 Passcode: 470000
What the Launde Minster Community Zoom Service means to me
Since hearing of the Launde Minster Community Zoom service during Advent 2022, when I read about their carol service in Diomail, I have become a regular member of the congregation. I had been housebound for almost three years and found on-line services an inadequate substitute for attending church in person because I felt like a spectator but Zoom gives an experience much more akin to going to a church service. The pre-service chat with others is an invaluable point of contact with other Christians. There is the opportunity for those who feel able to take part in leading the service by, for example, reading the Bible or leading the intercessions which gives older, often frailer Christians the opportunity to rediscover or develop confidence in playing their part in offering worship with a group of other people who, for whatever reason, are no longer able to come to church. I have been welcomed into this congregation, feel pastorally connected with it, two of its members having visited me, and been invited to take part. I believe this service is a wonderfully creative example of offering corporate worship through a new medium to Christians who would otherwise be unable to participate. Thank you.

Revd. Helen Bence
I want to say how much the Zoom service means to me. It is four years since I was able to go to a service n a church and your zoom service is the only one I have discovered which allows me to worship with others and to take an active part in the services. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for enabling that to happen by your hard work in putting the services together and “delivering” them each Sunday, It is very much appreciated.
With love in Christ
Seven whole days, not one in seven
I will praise thee.
Hymn, King of glory, King of peace.
Written by George Herbert 1593-1632
We often pray alone, but it is wonderful to pray with others. I thank God for the technology that allows us to meet via the Internet, and I am so pleased that the church has embraced this.
Our Sunday Zoom service from the Launde Minster Group is greatly appreciated as it binds the Churches of East Leicestershire in prayer.
We have all had to learn new skills, and it works!
There are daily services on the internet available to all, especially people isolated in their own homes or in care.
Thanks, from John Morrison

John Morrison

On behalf of our Zoom congregation, Hilary, Madeleine, Mary and Linda visited John to celebrate his 90th birthday.
They took afternoon tea, presents and this wonderful cake baked by Madeleine,
and had a lovely birthday party with him.
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